Describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen program of study at our school.

Describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen program of study at our school. What experiences led you to your research ambitions? Concisely state your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Briefly indicate your career objectives. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words (maxi 1100). I plan to direct my doctoral studies on the Interface between Religion and space based on my background, and Burkina Faso will be my case study. I will look at the issues of land, religion, space, urbanity and modernity, and may also talk about secure places, sensibility and places in Burkina Faso (in regards to religion). Most importantly, you should show the link between religion and space in a way that people don’t see (e.g: said things that many will be surprised as they were not aware of this link). Furthermore, talk about the religions in Burkina Faso: Islam, christianity, indigenous religions (how they compete in space) Attached, you will find my C.V and my last year statement of purpose to let you know about my self. You have to show how my background well prepared/equipped to do doctoral studies in African Studies and my proposed research topic. Notice that my topic of this year is different of that of last year. I have a bachelor degree in Architecture, a master in Urban and Regional Planning and a master in International Affairs (focus in religion). You have to show how why interest in space and how I can relate Space to Religion. Moreover, please mention the research paper I am submitting as my writing sample entitled “Conflicts and contradictions in the emergence of post-colonial African cities”. The paper talks about the issues of space in African Cities, in regards to African customs and traditions during and after the period of colonization (which is close to what I plan to do research on at their school: the issues of space and religion). By reading only the abstract, one will realize that I already done research on the issues of space and traditions on many African places such as Accra, Ghana; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo; Lagos, Nigeria and Nairobi, Kenya. Please also mention that I found that more research need to be done on the subject and that studies on the subject have not been done in Burkina Faso, which I plan to do (to study the complicate use of Identity, Urbanity, Modernity and Religion in Burkina faso).

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