Resources: Ch. 6 of Film(see attached PDF file) and Short of the Week website;
Watch your selected comedy, horror, or science fiction film; select one genre to work with; select one short film to screen that corresponds to the selected genre.
Create a minimum of a 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation discussing your selected genre and how the corresponding short film fits or does not fit the standard model for the genre.
Include images from the short film itself to help illustrate your presentation. Strike a fair balance with your image use.
Include the following:
- Discussion of each of your selected genre
- Discussion of the following components in your selected film:
- Summary of the film’s story
- Setting
- Acting
- Lighting
- Costumes
- Makeup
- Music
- Sound
- Discussion of the film’s theme(s) and how the components discussed above support the theme(s) you have determined for the film.
Address fictional aspects of film as discussed in Ch. 6 of Film by writing the following for inclusion on one slide:
- Create your own genre movie character and write a goal for your character, a conflict he or she encounters, and how he or she resolves the conflict and achieves the goal.
Include detailed speaker notes.
Reference and incorporate readings from Film: An Introduction into your arguments as well as a minimum of two references from the course’s ERRs. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL
Because this is an academic analysis, this presentation will include an introduction, body consisting of the above topic points, and a conclusion.
Include a References Slide(s) with APA formatted reference entries and speaker notes.
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