Identify the target market that your company will focus on including your rationale.

Marketing Plan:
Situation Analysis
Segmentation & Target Market Analysis
Competitive Analysis
SWOT Analysis
This section will begin with an application of segmentation of the market of your fictional company. Think about
behavioral, psychographic, demographic, and geographic criteria that might help you in segmenting the market. Once you
MBA 5501, Advanced Marketing
have completed the segme
ntation, identify the target market that your company will focus on including your rationale. It’s
important for the marketing manager to understand the competitive environment within the industry in which they operate.
Compile a detailed competitive analy
sis looking at the top three or four competitors and differentiating each against your
company. Finally, assemble and thoroughly explain a SWOT Analysis with a minimum of three elements under each area.
Your APA formatted assignment should be a minimum of
three (3) pages in length (not including the title and references
pages). Be sure to use the subheadings as given above. Because this assignment is a comprehensive plan, additional
research and support should be included.
You are required to use a minimum
of three peer reviewed, academic sources

that are no more than five years old.

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