Please read this case study carefully. You are required to answer the following questions based on the Case Study. It is expected that answers to the assignment questions be succinct and MUST be written in your own words.
Question 1. Prepare a sequence diagram for the booking confirmation use case. Must include a detailed description. (6 marks)
Question 2. Create a communication diagram for the booking confirmation use case. Provide a detailed description of the communication diagram. (6 marks)
Question 3. Create a design class diagram for Vehicle booking confirmation System. Provide a detailed description of your diagram. (6 marks)
Question 4. Discuss the following Grasp pattern
• Expert
• Creator
• Controller
• Low Coupling
• High Cohesion
• Singleton (6x2marks = 12 marks)
This assessment tasks assesses your object modeling concept and understanding of the design techniques and processes contained in this subject. It has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it assess your ability to
• Create class diagrams and dynamic models with UML notations (Learning outcome 4);
• Compare the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of UML (Learning outcome 5);
• Perform modeling of various aspects of systems from a case study (Learning outcome 6);
• Develop knowledge, skills and competence in the use of object-oriented computer system.
Criteria | HD | DI | CR | PS | FL |
Question 1 | Clear and complete description of SD with correct notation. | Complete description with minor errors in SD. | Clear description with incomplete SD. | Incomplete description and incomplete SD. | Incorrect SD description and diagram. |
Question 1 possible marks | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 0-2.5 |
Question 2 | Clear and complete description of CD, with correct notation. | Complete description with minor errors in CD. | Clear description with incomplete CD. | Incomplete description and incomplete CD. | Incorrect description and incorrect CD. |
Question 2 possible marks | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 0-2.5 |
Question 3 | Clear and complete description class diagrams, with correct notation. | Complete descriptions with minor errors in class diagrams. | Clear description with incomplete class diagrams. | Incomplete description and incomplete class diagrams. | Incorrect description and incorrect class diagrams. |
Question 3 possible marks | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 0-2.5 |
Question 4 | Clear and complete explanation of all patterns. Use of correct references. | Clear and complete explanation for up to 5 patterns. Use of correct references. | Clear and complete explanation for up to 4 patterns. Use of correct references. | Clear and complete explanation for up to 3 patterns. Use of correct references. | ncorrect explanation for all patterns with no references. Or complete explanation for up to 2 patterns. |
Question 4 possible marks | 6 | 10 | 8 | 6 | 0-2.5 |
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