Each student will write an article on a genetic disorder of his/her choice. The article will be submitted in two parts totaling a minimum of 3,000 words (not including the reference page). The article should include (but not be limited to) the following information:
- Detailed description of the disease, including whatever name(s) might be used to identify it.
- Inheritance patterns of the disease, with a description of that type of inheritance.
- Description of disease should include OMIM number and references (www.omim.org).
- The molecular basis for the disease.
- Treatment for the disease.
- Prognosis for the disease.
Part 1 should cover:
- Detailed description of the disease, including whatever name(s) might be used to identify it.
- Inheritance patterns of the disease, with a description of that type of inheritance.
These two topics must be covered extensively. The gene nomenclature rules should be followed (http://www.genenames.org/about/guidelines) throughout. This part of your paper should be approximately 1,500 words in length.
The textbook is considered a valid source for information, as well as other textbooks, but 20 or more original peer-reviewed articles need to be used and cited. Genetic databases, NIH, CDC and other appropriate research centers are good resources, but do not count toward the number of peer-reviewed sources. The reference page should contain all references that are appropriate for and were mentioned in the text of the paper.
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