Descriptive Statistics.

Upon successful completion of this course, you decide that you can earn some extra money as a statistical consultant. You are offered five projects and you can choose one. You are told that the project will pay a bonus if you have the best experimental analysis. Your objective is to provide a written report that explains the context of the case, an analysis of the sampling methods, graphs that represent the information provided, an explanation of any outliers, calculations, hypothesis test, and a description of the inferences you make from the results. As the consultant, you will provide a hypothesis, substantiation, conclusion, and recommendations to finish out the report. Your goal, and the purpose of this assignment, is to compile all pertinent information into one report. To help you compile the necessary material and to ensure you do not miss a step, the assignment is broken down into four parts: Primary Data Analysis, Examination of Descriptive Statistics, Examination of Inferential Statistics, and Conclusion/Recommendations. While, in actuality, this may be a final project for this class, these projects can pay thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why? In order to improve medicine, business, crime rates, or society, we use data. You have the chance to try this in this class.

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