Discuss some of the challenges of urbanization and environmental benefits.

Develop a 7-10 slide PowerPoint presentation that explains the prairie dog land management issue. In your presentation include the following points:

  • Discuss some of the challenges of urbanization and environmental benefits. Explain how the prairie dog land management issues are related to the challenges of urbanization.
  • Explain the factors that influence population growth using prairie dogs as an example to illustrate your points. Briefly review how the natural environment is needed to support cities. Use the ecological role of prairie dogs and their benefit to land management and the city of Sparksville as an example.
  • Describe the different policies that the city explored to manage prairie dog population growth, and discuss how these policies are rooted in environmental science and population dynamics.
  • Discuss the final management decision, and explain how it balanced urban development with environmental sustainability. Include major challenges you faced in addressing this issue and reaching an optimal solution.

Include an introductory slide, a summary slide, and a reference slide.

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