Do you regularly make time in your busy schedule to read and evaluate the current research in your professional field?

Shared Practice: Analysis of Strategic Alliances or Value Opportunities

Do you regularly make time in your busy schedule to read and evaluate the current research in your professional field? This is a practice many successful executives have embraced, and one that helps to keep them on the leading edge of thought.

To prepare for this Discussion,  “Shared Practice: Analysis of Strategic Alliances or Value Opportunities,” you will be reading and critically analyzing one of the articles in this week’s Learning Resources.

Joseph, G. (2009). Mapping, measurement and alignment of strategy using the balanced scorecard: The Tata Steel case. Accounting Education, 18(2), 117–130.


Post by Day 3, the following:

  • Provide a brief summary and critical evaluation of the article you have been assigned.
  • Provide an analysis of how the information contained in the article relates to strategic alliance or value opportunities for your current or former organization, using specific examples.

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