Explain how your personal characteristics as well as sociocultural dimensions influence the choices you make as a health care consumer.

Marketing to Various Consumer Groups


What motivates consumers to make the decisions they do? How do health care organizations market to specific groups of consumers? In this Discussion, you will explore these questions and the connection between them.

Prepare for this Discussion as follows:


Review Exhibit 4-6 “The Traditional Family Life Cycle” on page 144 in Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Then, look at Figure 4-6 “The Modernized Family Life Cycle” on page 145 of this text. In addition, you may have additional modifications to these two diagrams that you would like to make based on contemporary conceptions of individuals and families. Where would you place yourself in a contemporary life cycle?  With this in mind, consider what is important to you as a health care consumer. Reflect on insights from the Learning Resources regarding buyer behavior and think about various sociocultural influences that may affect your choices. How do you think decision-making sequences might differ for you as opposed to a selection of other consumer types?

Next, change your perspective from one of a consumer to one of a provider. Bring to mind an actual health care organization that offers a particular product or service of interest to you. Suppose this organization wanted to appeal to you as a consumer. How would you expect this organization to apply the information on market segmentation presented in Chapter 6 of the text? What elements of product strategy outlined in Chapter 8 of the text are relevant for the product or service you have selected?


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Describe where you would place yourself within a contemporary life cycle. Explain how your personal characteristics as well as sociocultural dimensions influence the choices you make as a health care consumer. Also discuss how decisions might differ for other groups of consumers.


Identify a particular product or service, and explain how an organization might engage in market segmentation and product strategy to appeal to you as a potential customer.


Exhibit 4-6 The Traditional Family Life Cycle from the book



  1. Bachelors’ stage: young single people not living at home.


              Few financial burdens. Fashion opinion leaders. Recreation oriented. Buy : basic kitchen equipment basic furniture, cars, equipment for the mating game, vacations.


  1. Newly married couples young no children


                Better off financially than they will be in the near future.  Highest purchase rate and highest average purchase of durables. Buy cars, refrigerators, stove, sensible and durable furniture, vacations.


  1. Full nest 1; youngest child under six


Home purchasing at peak. Liquid assets low. Dissatisfied with financial position and amount of money saved. Interested in new products. Like advertised products. Buy: washers, dryers, TV, baby food, chest rubs and cough medicines, vitamins, dolls, wagons, sleds, skates.


  1. Full nest II; youngest child six or over six


               Financial position better. Some wives work. Less influenced by advertising. Buy larger sized packages, multiple unit deals. Buy: Many foods, cleaning materials, bicycles, music lessons, pianos.


  1. Full nest III; older married couples with dependent children


Financial position still better. More wives work. Some children gets jobs. Hard to influence with advertising. High average purchase of durables. Buy: New, more tasteful furniture, auto travel, non-necessary appliances, boats, dental services, magazines.


  1. Empty nest I; older married couples, no children living with them, head in labor force


Homeownership at peak, most satisfied with financial position and money saved. Interested in travel, recreation, self education. Make gifts and contributions. Not interested in new products. Buy: vacations, luxuries, home improvements.


  1. Empty nest II; older married couples, no children living at home, head retired


Drastic cut in income. Keep home. Buy: Medical appliances, medical care, products which aid health, sleep, and digestion.


  1. Solitary survivor, in labor force


Income still good but likely to sell home


  1. Solitary survivor, retired


               Same medical and product needs as other retired group; drastic cut in income. Special need for attention, affection and security.

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