How does the brain change and form new neural connections for people who have had a trauma or illness, or for the aged?

Aswering the questions just 400 words



Is intelligence a fixed or malleable human characteristic?  Can the brain change?  Your answer to that question will significantly affect your ability to achieve results.  In 2007, researchers from Stanford University conduced an experiment in which half the students in a school were presented with a lecture describing that the brain is malleable and not fixed.  The other half of the students did not receive this training.  The knowledge that the brain is not fixed but is malleable significantly improved grade points, test performance and morale over students that did not receive the training.  [1].  Wow!


The Objectives:

  • Develop insight into the brain development of humans.
  • Describe the process of neuroplasticity.


The Link:

Beautiful Brain  


The Questions:

Topic 1- The Science

Please answer these questions in your response:

  • What do scientists understand about neuroplasticity of the brain?
  • How does the brain change and form new neural connections for people who have had a trauma or illness, or for the aged?

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