Topic: Samuel Adams

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Outline for a Marketing Mix Project

1.0: Executive Summary

This is a one page outline that states the nature of the business, the mission of the company, the objectives of the organization, and what the keys to success are. This
Summary is normally written after the remainder of the Marketing Business Plan as been completed.

2.0: Company Summary

Provide a short history of the company, equity holders, and the products and services that are to be provided, etc.

3.0: Products and Services

A detailed description of the product or service should be described. It should account for the source of the product or service, and any technologies involved. It should also state which follow on products and services might be available.

4.0: Situation Analysis

This section should begin with an explanation of the problems, needs and wants that the product or service will fulfill. This should include an analysis/description of the anticipated segmentation and target market rationale.

The formulation of a S.W.O.T. analysis is an important step in this plan. An understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your own organization, as well as the opportunities and threats external to the company, is critical to the analysis. Obviously the opportunities should be in alignment with the target audience information you’ve provided in this section.

A discussion of the marketing research that has been done or is anticipated – if any – should be included.

It is appropriate to discuss the industry environment, and what competition is to be expected. If necessary support these arguments with other strategic “tools” such as a Porter 5-Force analysis. From an internal standpoint you might also consider your competitive advantage through the lens of the 4 Building Blocks. (Both of these “tools” were examined in the study of Strategic Planning in Module 1.)

5.0: Marketing Implementation

As the product or service has been previously defined, the remaining components of the marketing mix should be addressed.

5.1 Pricing Strategy

The pricing strategy should be delineated. For example, will the methodology be value based, market penetration, market skimming, or cost based? Include all the pertinent decisions and strategies pertaining to your pricing considerations.

5.2 Distribution (Placement) Strategy

This section should describe which channels of distribution will be used and why they were selected. Again, consider all pertinent decisions and strategies pertaining to distribution (placement).

5.3 Promotion Strategy

The chosen promotion strategies will be critical to the success of the plan. Consider all aspects of your planned promotional process, including enticements, advertising, PR, etc. Consider also the selection of a “push” versus “pull” strategy and any other aspects of the promotional strategies that will be employed.

5.4 Positioning Strategy

Product differentiation will make your product stand out from the competitions.
How will you attain this delineation?

5.5 Milestones (Goals)

State what specific milestones (goals) need to be set, such that you can measure your progress and success over the first three years (the term of your financial outlook).

6.0: Personnel and Organizational Issues

In this section, the organizational structure, including the management composition and critical personnel slots are outlined. Any gaps in management or personnel areas are addressed.

7.0: Financial Plan

A three year operating statement (by quarters) will be included with the plan.
Assumptions are perfectly acceptable but should be identified where used. Refer to the accompanying financial outlook spreadsheet which can be used as a template for your outlook. Be sure to outline all assumptions used in your outlook in this section (7.0) of your paper.

Appendices – Any additional data, or facts that give credibility to the plan

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