What kinds of diversity have been characteristic of Beijing?

Assignment #1 Beijing DUE DATE OCTOBER 8 (changed from the syllabus), in class and on the iLearn Turnitin link. Please write a 2-3 page essay (about 750 words, double spaced) on ONE of the following topics. Beijing has been a “diverse” city since early times. What kinds of diversity have been characteristic of Beijing? To support your discussion, please give at least three quotations from Marco Polo’s Travels and from Li and Dray-Novey that show the nature of diversity in Beijing in the past. Among the historical capitals of China, Beijing is unusually far north. What factors explain why it is as far north as it is, and what have been the consequences for Beijing’s culture in pre-modern times? To support your discussion, please give at least three quotations from Marco Polo’s Travels and from Li and Dray-Novey that show some of the reasons for and consequences of Beijing’s location. Papers must be printed out. I will not accept papers by e-mail or fax. Please make sure that the printing is dark enough to read easily. Your essays should have titles, which should appear on a separate title page with your name, the course number, and the date. Please number the pages and use normal margin settings and 12-point Times New Roman typeface. Proofread carefully for errors in logic, organization, grammar, and spelling, please clip or staple the pages together, and please do not put your papers inside plastic folders or covers of any kind. You may print on both sides of the paper. You must keep a copy for yourself and be able to produce it on request. Citations should be simple form: titles and page numbers only. You may refer to information provided in class, but please do not cite it. Do NOT use sources other than those assigned for the class.

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