What topic sentences will you use as the foundation of your communication?

Here is the directions and format. I already have articles and will send them to you once we shake hands.







What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. 






Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Be detailed in your answer about your audience.






In a sentence or short paragraph, what is your thesis statement, including your angle? Write what will appear in your essay.


My point is that




What topic sentences will you use as the foundation of your communication? (If necessary, add more points.)





What method of organization and development will you use to develop your paragraphs?


  • Introduction:
  • Body:
  • Conclusion:






First Draft Topic Goes Here


Start this week’s draft with your introduction and follow with one section of the body of your paragraph.  Keep APA formatting in mind as you draft, and remember that the overall requirement this week is to submit three to four body pages.  Your title and References pages are additional pages.





Put your sources cited in-text above here in alphabetical order, starting with the first line flush left and hanging indent of the second and each subsequent line. Each in-text citation should have a corresponding reference entry here. Look up the correct format, because sources have different formats depending on their type and location.


Put your sources cited in-text above here in alphabetical order, starting with the first line flush left and hanging indent of the second and each subsequent line. Each in-text citation should have a corresponding reference entry here. Look up the correct format, because sources have different formats depending on their type and location.

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