write the Net Neutrality paper.


Having read the “Transcending Net Neutrality: Ten Steps Toward an Open Internet” and “SOPA and PIPA What Went Wrong” papers, write the Net Neutrality paper.


  • Write a 4 page APA formatted paper that includes references to at least 3 external research sites.
  • Write a MAXIMUM of a FIVE page APA formatted paper that includes references to at least THREE external research sites.
  • The paper will consist of ONE TITLE PAGE, TWO TO THREE CONTENT PAGES,and ONE REFERENCE PAGE. Include graphs – full-page graphics will not count towards the number of pages. (NOTE: Any pages above the maximum allowed will not be graded or reviewed.
  • The paper is to reflect your opinions on the concepts and your experiences with content-based broadband throttling and your experiences with piracy protection (Yes, they are related.)
  • Include research that supports your experiences.
  • You all have experience with broadband speeds and piracy protection. Do you suspect your Internet speeds have been reduced at any time? Are you aware of any annoying piracy protections?
  • What are your opinions on each?

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