Explore historical situations that provide insight into how the abuse of power leads to unethical decision making.


Application: What Went Wrong at Abu Ghraib?




No one would question that the events that took place in Abu Ghraib in 2004 (Gilman & Lewis, 2005) were unethical, but when it comes to identifying the causes, opinions vary greatly. While individuals are ultimately responsible for their own ethical behavior, institutional and situational causes provide the breeding ground for ethical breaches to occur. It is important to explore historical situations that provide insight into how the abuse of power leads to unethical decision making.




The assignment (2 pages): Due by Sunday 10/25/15.


Identify one individual, one institutional, and one situational ethical breach that took place at Abu Ghraib.




For each identified ethical breach, suggest an underlying cause or institutional challenge.




Explain how insights gained from the Stanford Prison Experiment might apply to each underlying cause or institutional challenge.

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