Understanding Language and Literacy

Assessment 2: Oral presentationTime limit: 6 minutes (+/-10%)

Assessment overview
Addressing the needs of language development in the early childhood and primary years requires the integration of a number of different areas of knowledge, including an awareness of theoretical perspectives, appropriate teaching methods, the features of the learning environment, and the Australian educational context. This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding in all of these areas through the design of a presentation that describes the educational context in which language and literacy development occurs. It will also help you to develop skills in oral presentation which will be important in your future work as an educator.

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:

Describe key concepts with regard to language and literacy in Australian education contexts.
Demonstrate appropriate communication skills.
Assessment details
This assessment will require you to produce an oral presentation. The imagined audience for your presentation will be the board of committee of an early childhood centre or primary school. Your presentation will respond to the following question:

How is oral language development supported in the Australian educational context?

The learning materials in Module 2 (Weeks 4-8) have been specifically designed to provide the information you need to complete your presentation:

Week 4: Language and Literacy in Australian early childhood education – explains the Australian context for Language and Literacy education, introducing the main support documents (the EYLF and Australian Curriculum) and the important theoretical perspectives on Literacy.
Week 5: Understanding oral language – provides a link between the theory and the practice with a detailed overview of oral language.
Week 6: Learning contexts for oral language and Week 7: Speaking and listening – describe a rich variety of learning experiences and teaching practices to support language development.
Week 8: Early childhood settings and language learning – overviews the role of the learning environment in language learning, which will help you to identify the context within which your learning experience will be delivered.
Within each of these weeks, you will also find a range of resources that will help you develop the key skills required to prepare and deliver an oral presentation.

You are strongly advised to engage with all resources provided in these weeks and, especially, to participate in the collaborative activities as these will help you to build your understanding of the key concepts and theories related to the presentation and to practise and develop your presentation skills.

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